Monday, February 27, 2017

Finger Gym

by Lexi

Swim for Life Week 4

This week we learnt how to float. Some of the children practiced using noodles and some without. It was fabulous seeing all the children give it a go.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Life Education

We have just been learning about relationships with Nadine and Harold in the Life Education Bus.  Here are some photos of us learning about being a bug or a booster!  "What can I do to give someone a boost?", "What do I do that bugs people?"

Monday, February 20, 2017

Today we included musical instruments, playdough, puzzles, and making words using magnetic letters into our rotations. These were activities voted for by the children last Friday. As you can imagine, the musical instruments in particular were very popular.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hugo's Bubble
I blew a big bubble and held it in my hand. It didn't even pop when I touched it.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Hurupaki Cares

Easy Blog Photo

Meet our new class member Billy. Billy is here to help us to be Hurupaki Cares students! We are learning about the key competencies and the school values.

Rotation Activities - Getting Student Voice

We asked the students about all of the activities that they liked during rotation time.  We were trying to see which activities would interest them the most.  We then got the students to vote for activities that they wanted for this week.
Some of the activities that the students voted for were: bubbles and whiteboard writing. We also selected some literacy games to build the students knowledge of letters and words.

Pod 1's Smarty Pants Art

The children had fun using craft materials and pastels to create their own wonderfully unique Smarty Pants. We have spent the last 2 weeks exploring Joy Cowley's book "Smarty Pants'.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wacky Hair Portraits

We used dye and straws to create a wacky picture of ourselves.
Here is what some of the students had to say about them...

"I used a straw to blow in to make a hairstyle." - Amara
"The hair is lots of colours, I liked making it." - Kaylah
"My wacky hair picture is good because it looks silly when it's like that." - Mckenna
"I had to blow it though the straw." - Lleyton
"I put the dye on and then blew the straw to make it go all crazy." - Lexi


Finger Painting

We finger painted our portraits, we also wrote sentences about ourselves using our word card.
This is what some of the students had to say about the pictures...

"We put our finger in the paint and then we drew ourselves." - Rachel
"I liked my picture because I liked my hair." - Livi 
"We painted with our fingers and it was lots of fun." - Thomas


We have been practicing our swimming skills ready for 'Swim for Life' which begins tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rotation Activites

We have been experimenting with a range of equipment and learning some new games. These activities are some of the rotation options that will be on offer at different times throughout the year.

Reading Workshop

Here we are taking part in our second reading workshop.  We now have our learning intention in front of us to help us remember our goals.

Self Portraits

Yesterday we sketched pictures of ourselves.  This is what some of the Pod 1 students think about their portraits.

"I like the eyes and the hair." - Mckenna
"I liked doing the hair because it was easy." - Ada
"I drew it, it was fun." - Charli. F
"I like my ears." - Caleb
"The eyes and the hair look the best on my one." - Harper
"It has long hair." - Kaylah
"I liked doing the hair, eyes and the ears." - Holly

Pod 1 Students 2017