Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Cycle Day

We had such a fun time at cycle day! We got to choose from two tracks, a basic track and a tricky track!! There was stop signs, give way signs, a round about, judder bars and even a jump! We had so much fun, thank you Constable Ian.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Road Safety

Today Constable Ian came to begin our Road Safety lessons.  We learnt a new poem called 'Stop, Look, Listen' it goes like this:

Stop, Look, Listen

Stop, look and listen,
Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,
Before you use your feet.

We also practiced crossing our pretend road with toys cars!!  Constable Ian talked to us about safe places and safe ways to cross the road.  Once we had practiced inside we went out and crossed the driveway. 

Making Bookmarks

Thank you Addison and Lila for helping some of the sPod 1 students to make their very own bookmark.  You made fantastic teachers!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Seniors Key Competency Games

The year 5 and 6 students from Pod 4 made some games as part of their reading programme.  The games are based on the snakes and ladders template and help to reinforce numeracy skills, team work as well as each of the key competencies.  They brought them to teach to our Pod and the students really enjoyed playing the games.



Writing instructions Wk3 T3

This week Pod 1 are looking at procedural writing. As part of this they acted out how to wash your face, before writing the instructions. We pretended that an alien had landed from outer space and didn't know how to do even simple jobs.

Here is Ada demonstrating the different stages of how to wash your face:

         Wet the cloth.                                  Squeeze the cloth.


        Wash your face.                                Dry your face.

Thanks Ada for great modelling.

Week 3 Term 2 Rotations

These are some of the activities the children are using as part of their rotational activities this week:

To build the children's upper body strength and balance, we are using the scooter boards and the balance boards.

                              Kieran is pulling himself around the cones on the scooter board

To encourage and build creative play, the children are using their imaginations to make up stories  using the puppets and felt story board.

                     Freya and Rachel are using the puppet and Livi is using the felt story boards

The construction activity this week it the big blocks. There have been some marvellous constructions including buildings, motorways, cities.

          Hugo, Olaf, Blake and Dylan work together to create different parts of their construction


Last week as part of our topic on celebrations, we looked at weddings. Both the boys and girls were excited to share their own experiences about weddings. We had beautiful items of clothing shared and fabulous wedding photos. Thanks everyone for sending in all the precious items for your children to share.

Holly brought in a veil and her special wedding dress 

Makenzie brought in the special photos to share 

                                                   So did Freya.  Thanks for sharing.                                             

Monday, May 8, 2017

Duplo Challenge Wk1 T2

Last week, one of the duplo challenges was to make your name from duplo. Here are some of the results. Well done boys.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Baking a Cake

Today we baked a cake together as part of our celebrations topic. Each of the students participated and helped to make our cake. Baking is an important life skill and helps to develop motor skills, problem solving, following instructions, numeracy elements such as measurement, sequencing and simple fractions.  We were also able to healthy eating habits - treat foods and how often it is appropriate to eat these.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lego Challenge...

Here are some of the amazing creations students make for our lego challenges this week...

Monday, May 1, 2017

Rotation Activities for Week 1 Term 2

Welcome back to Term Two. These are some of the rotation activities the children will be doing this week:

To build fine and gross motor skills we have hoops and skipping.

In construction this week the children have been given challenges to create, and this helps build team work.

The iPads have handwriting, maths and reading games which reinforce the skills in these areas.

We have a writing table to promote free writing and the sharing of ideas, using whiteboards.

Rachel created her own story: 'Amy is walking to a park. Are you?'

On the craft table the children have to draw, cut, and paste animals by following the instructions in reading books. This helps reading and problem solving skills, and fine motor skills (scissor work).